E. Oing Productions




+Web Design

+Administrative Assistant

+Animal Care/Training


Elizabeth Oing



Apply knowledge of behavior and health to the care of animals.


Cat/Kitten Socializer
2004-present / SF SPCA / San Francisco, CA

  • Sat with feral and abandoned cats and kittens on a regular basis to acclimate to humans.
  • Foster Parent & Program Coordinator
    2003-2005 / Palo Alto Humane Society / Los Altos, CA

  • Cared for underaged kittens until ready to be adopted
  • Organize and coordinate foster volunteers and adoption fairs

    Animal Sitter
    2000-present / Private Homes / Bay Area, CA

  • Responsible for care and feeding of cats, rats, dogs, rabbits, and other pets during long periods of absence of owner(s)

    Adoption Counselor
    2002-2003 / Palo Alto Humane Society / Los Altos, CA

  • Spoke with prospective cat owners about living situations and proper animal placement.

    Cat/Kitten Socializer
    2002-2003 / Palo Alto Humane Society / Los Altos, CA

  • Sat with feral and abandoned cats and kittens on a regular basis to acclimate to humans.

    Foster Parent
    1996-1999 / Santa Clara Valley Humane Society / San Jose, CA

  • Cared for underaged kittens until ready to be adopted

    Cat/Kitten Socializer & Webmaster
    1994-1998 / Feline Angels Cat Rescue / Santa Cruz, CA

  • Used web skills to find homes for abandoned and feral cats
  • Sat with feral and abandoned cats and kittens on a regular basis to acclimate to humans.
  • Education

    2000-present / Independent Study / Bay Area, CA

  • Animal Communication & Behavior
  • Animal Health/Veterinary Medicine
  • Animal Behavioral Training

    1998-2002 / SF State University / San Francisco, CA
    Bachelor of Arts degree; GPA=3.0+


    Animals in general (primarily cats), veterinary medicine, animal rehabilitation

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